The wildflower season is just getting started. As of Monday, March 14th, here’s what’s happening on the Chestnut Top Trail, one of the best wildflower trails in the Smoky Mountains.
There’s an army of Bloodroot ready to unfurl their flags. These should be in full display by the weekend. The photo above shows the only bloom I could find open. The one below is what I saw dozens of.
There are Spring Beauties all over and I saw a beautiful colony of Hepatica huddled under the protection of an overhanging rock.
But the bonus is way up the trail, a half-mile after you think there are no more wildflowers, after the trail levels off and makes a sharp turn to the left, and still a hundred yards after that. There’s a large group of Trailing Arbutus just starting to bloom.
Thank you for this update on the spring wildflowers. I was debating whether to make the trip down from the Cincinnati area and wondering whether we would see any wildflowers yet. Beautiful photos.
Thanks Susan … every day brings more flowers from this point on!
Bill, are the Dogwoods blooming yet? I planned on visiting in the middle of April, but think this will be a real early spring and may want to move up my trip.
Great photo of the little guys –LOVE Hepatica. Was wondering if the redbuds have started doing their thing yet.
Thanks for sharing!