Smoky Mountain Haystack

Smoky Mountain Haystack

Philosophical Friday here again.  Always something to think about. For example, once upon a time  the problem was finding a needle in a haystack.  Now you can’t find the haystack. When was the last time you saw one?  Do you know what a haystack is?

These haystack pictures were taken at the Mountain Farm Museum near the Cherokee entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. So, haystacks are now found in museums.

Back in the 1970s I owned 100 acres in West Virginia, and the local farmers still put up the hay in stacks. I even made some, gathering up the cut hay and piling it up around the pole, then finally combing the outside with a rake so the stack would shed rain. It was labor-intensive, but worked well in preserving the hay for winter feeding. You’d see haystacks all over place in the fields. But, I never once found a needle in one of the haystacks.

Smoky Mountain Haystack

Smoky Mountain Haystack

Please stop in and visit me to see the complete display of Smoky Mountain Photography at the William Britten Gallery in Gatlinburg, TN.

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