Dogwood Tapestry is one of my premier Smoky Mountains photos in a vertical format. The scene is along the Middle Prong of the Little River, in the Tremont section of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This photo is from the same area as Dogwood Rain.
The finished photograph is actually a mild double exposure. One image is normal and sharp, while the second photo is blurred out of focus. By combining the two pictures, a soft, delicate glow appears around the white blossoms. This photo pairs nicely with Place of 1000 Drips to create a large horizontal statement on a wall by using two vertical photos.
Dogwood Tapestry is available in all sizes up to 20×30. Details of sizes and pricing can be found on the How to Buy page.
Whenever you travel to the Smokies, please consider a visit to see the complete display of Smoky Mountains Photos at the William Britten Gallery on the historic Arts and Crafts Trail along Glades Road in Gatlinburg, TN.
I love your photos of the Smokies. we used to have a cabin in cosby. Janet is a friend of mine from exercise class. I painted your Monet reflections and would like to do the sunrise and sunset as we live near the beach, with your permission of course. Keep those photos coming, they are great!
Betty – Sure, no problem to paint my photos! Bill