Philosophical Friday here. Standing beside the Lynn Camp Prong, taking in the autumn splendor. It’s so quiet, so still. So many details to look at and appreciate. The way the leaves contrast with the beautiful gray of the rocks and tree trunks. The way the water makes endless currents and flows. The vine snaking down among the branches of that tree across the creek. The sense of completion. The long growing season, which started last spring, finally finished. Time to rest, be still, be mindful of all that is here.
Willie Nelson has some lyrics that say “I can be moving or I can be still, but still is still moving to me.” Standing here, I know what he means. But I can also feel the opposite, that a lot can be happening, but still there is stillness.
When you come out of the woods, come on over to visit me to see the complete display of Smoky Mountain Photography at the William Britten Gallery in Gatlinburg, TN.